AskNAO Blockly
Learn coding
AskNao Blockly is a software suite that includes :
- A free online version
- A full offline version (School licence) with extended features like the control of tablets, the handling of media files (Videos, Sounds, Images) and the generation of movements.
Thanks to Blockly, the children learn coding by programming NAO and the Tablet interface.

Easily create new activities

The NAO robot asks « In which word do you hear the sound [u]? ». NAO proposes several words and:or displays images associated to words on the companion Tablet. The child answers by repeating the word, proposing a card or selecting the right answer on the Tablet..
The NAO robot tells a story and, simultaneously, performs movements, displays images associated to words or sentences on the companion Tablet… It is also possible to complete the story with questions and answers..
The NAO robot performs gymnastic movements or dances. Simultaneously, he gives explanations on the interest for the human body, on anatomy…
Native and foreign languages (20 languages supported by NAO), mathematics, history, geography, sports…